Școala „Nicolae Titulescu” este membră a comunității eTwinning din anul 2012. Prezentăm mai jos o listă a proiectelor derulate de cadrele didactice și elevii Școlii Gimnaziale „Nicolae Titulescu” Călărași.
Proiecte active
- Power of water
- Primăvara - sărbătoarea sufletului - spirit românesc prin cifre și litere
- Let's do a sport challenge
- Welcome autumn!
- Meet Europe and learn languages! European Day of Languages
- Christmas in Europe
- Easter around Europe
- Greenobby
- Little farmers of the school
- Recycle with STEAM
- Decodable steam readers
- Fun science
- Rhythm Drawings: Doodle Dance
- In the light of mind games
- My culture to my identity
- Making penpals friends in Europe
- Kindness is contagious
Proiecte finalizate
- Our pets
- Let's live sustainably
- Smile at Math
- First step to literacy
- They are living only on papers
- A new router for the future, STEM
- Dragons are coming
- Tradiții și obiceiuri
- Hands on ICT
- Smiling trough my village
- Europe sings Christmas Carols
- Travel with flags
- Math is a game
- English around us
- When I sing, I think...
- A Escola que Temos, a Escola que Queremos ~The School We Have, The School We Want ~ Škola danas, Škola koju zelim
- Meet us and our school
- Legokul
- Let's share our summer
- Spring in the air
- Fun experiments
- Let's do leaf collection
- Collect a star for each book because your are a star
- Hearts & Valentines
- English, Music and feelings
- Music games around the world
- Let's discover Europe
- Christmas or New Year‘ s handicrafts
- Paint a song
- European 112 Day
- Little curators
- WATER - Global Experiment with Hydrogels
- Gifts of autumn
- The new adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza
- Magic children's crafts
- I like English songs
- My Imaginary Village
- European Bunting
- We like autumn and winter
- Autumn photo gallery
- Maths in real life
- What happens under the water surface? Life in fresh and sea water
- Animals in our countries
- Our school, our city
- Autumn
- Recipes for kids
- Cartoon characters' World
- Spring in my village/town
- Myths and Legends
- Cultural life and the affects of people behaveour and buildings
- Journeys with Syrius around Europe
- Games and plays with letters - preparing for reading
- Easter eggs
- Easter holiday around Europe
- Let's know about your class, school and village. Step 2
- Xmas cards around Europe. School to schools exchange