
Școala „Nicolae Titulescu” este membră a comunității eTwinning din anul 2012. Prezentăm mai jos o listă a proiectelor derulate de cadrele didactice și elevii Școlii Gimnaziale „Nicolae Titulescu” Călărași.

Proiecte active

  1. Power of water
  2. Primăvara - sărbătoarea sufletului - spirit românesc prin cifre și litere
  3. Let's do a sport challenge
  4. Welcome autumn!
  5. Meet Europe and learn languages! European Day of Languages
  6. Christmas in Europe
  7. Easter around Europe
  8. Greenobby
  9. Little farmers of the school
  10. Recycle with STEAM
  11. Decodable steam readers
  12. Fun science
  13. Rhythm Drawings: Doodle Dance
  14. In the light of mind games
  15. My culture to my identity
  16. Making penpals friends in Europe
  17. Kindness is contagious

Proiecte finalizate

  1. Our pets
  2. Let's live sustainably
  3. Smile at Math
  4. First step to literacy
  5. They are living only on papers
  6. A new router for the future, STEM
  7. Dragons are coming
  8. Tradiții și obiceiuri
  9. Hands on ICT
  10. Smiling trough my village
  11. Europe sings Christmas Carols
  12. Travel with flags
  13. Math is a game
  14. English around us
  15. When I sing, I think...
  16. A Escola que Temos, a Escola que Queremos ~The School We Have, The School We Want ~ Škola danas, Škola koju zelim
  17. Meet us and our school
  18. Legokul
  19. Let's share our summer
  20. Spring in the air
  21. Fun experiments
  22. Let's do leaf collection
  23. Collect a star for each book because your are a star
  24. Hearts & Valentines
  25. English, Music and feelings
  26. Music games around the world
  27. Let's discover Europe
  28. Christmas or New Year‘ s handicrafts
  29. Paint a song
  30. European 112 Day
  31. Little curators
  32. WATER - Global Experiment with Hydrogels
  33. Gifts of autumn
  34. The new adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza
  35. Magic children's crafts
  36. I like English songs
  37. My Imaginary Village
  38. European Bunting
  39. We like autumn and winter
  40. Autumn photo gallery
  41. Maths in real life
  42. What happens under the water surface? Life in fresh and sea water
  43. Animals in our countries
  44. Our school, our city
  45. Autumn
  46. Recipes for kids
  47. Cartoon characters' World
  48. Spring in my village/town
  49. Myths and Legends
  50. Cultural life and the affects of people behaveour and buildings
  51. Journeys with Syrius around Europe
  52. Games and plays with letters - preparing for reading
  53. Easter eggs
  54. Easter holiday around Europe
  55. Let's know about your class, school and village. Step 2
  56. Xmas cards around Europe. School to schools exchange